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Camp CK

Carpenter's Kids is offering summer Classes for preschool, ages
3-5 year olds and Kindergarten-Third Grade (age as of 8/1/23).
We will nave a one-week Camp in June + one session in July that is
three hours a day, three days a week, for three weeks.

June Camps: SHINE

SHINE music and drama camps

June 10-14

Two camps available, one for Pre-K ages 4&5 (as of 8/1/23) and one for K-3rd grade

Mon-Fri • 9am-2pm • $75

limited enrollment








July Camp: Pre-K

July 9-25


Tues-Thur for 3 weeks

Ages 2-5 (as of 8/1/23)



Download Registration Form

Registration Fee is $15 per child for 1 session or $30 for both sessions and is non-refundable.

Children may attend one or both sessions.


June Camp

July Camp

If you would like to register but not pay online, please fill out this form below. If you pay online, you do not need to fill out this form. 

Camp CK Registration
(If NOT paying online)
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